Tracking numbers will be available as soon as your order ships. This is generally within 2-4 business days after order placement. Some orders will take longer to ship.

When your order ships you will receive a shipment confirmation email, your tracking number(s) can be found at the bottom of this email. Depending on which carrier was used, your shipment can be tracked at one of the the following links:

Note: If you don't receive the shipment confirmation email, check the spam folder of your inbox. All shipment confirmation emails come from If you did not receive the email, submit a ticket and we will resend the shipment confirmation email.

Can I look up tracking numbers on Banjo?

Yes. Tracking numbers can be found by following the steps below.

  1. Click My Account in the top right, under the search bar
  2. Follow to the My Orders link in the sidebar at the right
  3. Find the order you want to track and click View on the right
  4. Locate the Shipments link at the top of the order screen, just below the order number
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the shipment screen
  6. Click on the Tracking Number(s) you'd like to track
  7. For more detailed tracking info, copy and paste your tracking number into the appropriate carrier's website, listed above

I found my order but there is no "Shipments" link, what now?

That means that your order hasn't shipped yet. Hang tight, we'll send you an email as soon as it does.